
Expression of interest

Is coaching on your radar? Leave your contact details below.

I'll come to you

Im based at bli bli wake park, however It is often where i travel to the other parks, if you let me know in advance that you would be interested in coaching I would be more inclined to visit!

Please fill in your expression of interest above.

Local and beyond

International? no worries.

Online courses

Provide a general summary of the services you provide, highlighting key features and benefits for potential clients.

1 x 1 session

Join Mikayo for a jam packed 30 minute learning experience to take your riding to the next level.

1 month group

Join a group of likeminded people in a month long intensive program.

Video Analysis

Receive a custom video tailored to you submitted video. In this video I will break down your trick step by step and give you things to work on in the future.

Learning Material
